Science Fiction Terror Tales is exactly what it sounds like: an anthology of sci-fi/horror tales. It features big-name authors like Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov, and it was edited by Groff Conklin. The cover we’re showing here is for the second edition of this particular anthology, published in 1969. The first edition was published in 1955 with a more science-fictiony cover.
The cover art here is incredible, depicting a hand with an eyeball on it and wires sticking out of the skin. It’s an interesting combination of science fiction and horror elements, and the orange-red coloring makes a striking backdrop. Unfortunately, this amazing cover art is uncredited, and we were unable to verify the artist.

Here is the full list of contents:
- Introduction by Groff Conklin
- Punishment Without Crime by Ray Bradbury
- Arena by Fredric Brown
- The Leech by Robert Sheckley
- Through Channels by Richard Matheson
- Lost Memory by Peter Phillips
- Memorial by Theodore Sturgeon
- Prott by Margaret St. Clair
- Flies by Isaac Asimov
- The Microscopic Giants by Paul Ernst
- The Other Inauguration by Anthony Boucher
- Nightmare Brother by Alan E. Nourse
- Pipeline to Pluto by Murray Leinster
- Impostor by Philip K. Dick
- They by Robert A. Heinlein
- Let Me Live in a House by Chad Oliver