Despair by Vladimir Nabokov

Despair by Vladimir Nabokov

Despair, published in 1934, is the seventh book by Vladimir Nabokov. The book was originally serialized and published in Sovremennye zapiski, a Russian literary journal. Although Despair was originally published in Russian, Nabokov translated the book to English himself in 1937.

During World War II, most of the English copies of this book were destroyed by bombs. Nabokov published a new translation of the book in 1965, and that translation is used for this edition.

This edition was published by Panther books in 1969. Panther Books was a British publishing house that published books across a variety of genres, including literary classics and science fiction novels. Panther primarily published paperback reprints rather than original titles.

The cover art is by John Holmes (1935-2011). Holmes was a prolific cover artist that was known for his provocative and eye-catching style. Holmes once worked at a meat market, and he claimed that he often drew upon that experience when creating covers.

Holmes worked with a number of publishers and created cover art for many books, including covers for the Ballatine editions of H.P. Lovecraft’s novels and the Fontana Horror Stories series. One of his best-known covers is for Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch.

Holmes also created a number of record sleeves, including covers for Be-Bop Deluxe’s Axe Victim and Spooky Tooth and Pierre Henry’s Ceremony. His original art was also showcased in numerous art galleries.

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